Longview Computer Center
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Efficient Computer Networks Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency

Many companies spend a lot of time and resources on deciding exactly HOW to build and configure their computer networks. There are many choices and considerations, but one of the most important ...

Do Mobile Fingerprint Scanners Truly Protect Your Business?

Apple has added some intriguing features to their latest mobile product lineup, one of which is the fingerprint scanner. Its stated purpose is to heighten the security on the mobile phone. As ...

Managing Power and Cooling is Still Key to Business IT

You may believe, in the current environment of cloud migration, that the onsite data center has passed into oblivion, or, at least, been severely diminished. Part and parcel of this change would ...

Travelers Beware: Hotel Wi-Fi Could be Open to Attack

It’s convenient, it saves you and your company a few dollars over your personal or business mobile hot spots and it just pops up when you flip open your laptop or look ...

Barriers To Small Business Technology Adoption

Speed is life in the business world. That’s true of most every aspect of your business, but it’s especially true of technology, and the speed with which you adopt technological innovations critical ...

Should Leasing Be Part Of Your Tech Strategy?

One of the major decisions any company must make is whether to lease their technical equipment or to buy it outright. As with most decisions in the business world, there are pros ...

Security A Growing Concern For Business

In 2014 we saw numerous security breaches around the world. We saw the security compromised in such big names as Sony, Target, Goodwill Industries, Home Depot, JP Morgan and Michaels. For 2015, ...

Potential Business Uses of the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch has finally been released and the critics are, of course, following up with their list of failed expectations of the device and the distant observations of how they would ...

Does Your Mobile Device Come Complete With Malware?

When you open the box on a new tablet, cell phone, netbook or laptop it is tempting simply to hit the start button and go. Unfortunately, doing that may be a big ...

Hackers Not the Greatest Cloud Security Risk

It is commonplace today to hear businesses voicing concerns about using cloud based services as though the cloud is much less secure than any system you might purchase or devise on site. ...


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Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM - 6PM